Arcs 'n Attics
Arcs 'n Attics is a live play Dungeons and Dragons podcast featuring a cast of rotating Dungeon Masters and Players. Each Arc is featuring a different DM and a completely different story and setting, with new characters to boot, but fret not, we will also return to Arcs that are beloved to our listeners and followers.
Podcasting since 2021 • 34 episodes
Arcs 'n Attics
Latest Episodes
Spooksville: Storm the Tunnel to the Church
The Weeners wrap up their business with Corndawg and begin their attack on the church. First it's Jesus and now it's Saint Peter Godhopper? Boy those Weeners are bad to the bone.Follow us on instagram @arcsnattics and give us a download...
Season 1
Episode 18

Spooksville: Sherlock Go Holmes!
Amber and Jon meet and chat with Corndawg, who apologizes, gives Amber a gift, so long as she can give Corndawg the shitty detective. Amber and Jon hang back and allow Louis to interrogate/charm the quack, but Lou absolutely beefs it. Amber sav...
Season 1
Episode 17

HGtv Presents: Spooksville Home Makeover Peephole Edition
After licking their wounds, the Weeners wake up to hear a commotion at the Peephole and check it out. They then meet the Easter Sundom's best detective, Kyle, (whose name I the DM will forget in the next couple episodes) and discover the cause ...
Season 1
Episode 16

Spooksville: The Hopfather
The gang finds religion and almost all die! Please, join us on another blasphemous adventure in a town based off of Easter.Check out our instagram @arcsnattics for fun content, also be sure the download/rate/subscribe, all of these thin...
Season 1
Episode 15

Spooksville: What Easter is Really About
Content Warning: There's an extremely heavy dose of blasphemy in this one.The Halloweeners do some stuff and have fun at the Holiday Air Breakfast and Breakfast. They also meet the big man himself, Keanu Reeves. I sure hope we don't off...
Season 1
Episode 14