Arcs 'n Attics
Arcs 'n Attics is a live play Dungeons and Dragons podcast featuring a cast of rotating Dungeon Masters and Players. Each Arc is featuring a different DM and a completely different story and setting, with new characters to boot, but fret not, we will also return to Arcs that are beloved to our listeners and followers.
Arcs 'n Attics
Family Retreat CyBorg: Carnie Carnage
Season 3
Episode 4
The Family (tm) exits the horrific train and finally makes it home---wait this isn't home. Where is home? Why are we in an amusement park? Why is everyone just that same one guy? Is that bottle talking to me? One things for sure, that gorilla guy has to be set free. Wow these drugs are strong. Check out Family Retreat CyBorg!
Also check out our Instagram, we have silly content on there too including snippets of this wonderful show, memes all bout it, and some really cool art! Rate, subscribe, follow, download: do any of that in any order as your heart sees fit and it'll help us out a ton!